Aankomende Concerten

  • 59th Board of ESMG Quadrivium

    59ste Bestuur van ESMG Quadrivium

    Qreating Harmonies

    Dear reader, 

    We are honoured to present ourselves: the 59th board of ESMG Quadrivium: ‘Qreating Harmonies’!

    From harmony among our members, a board that wants to make choices in harmony, making beautiful sounds and harmonies and forming a harmonic bond with other organizations and associations; this year is all about Qreating Harmonies.

    Since we are chosen to be the board in the year before Quadrivium's 12th lustrum year, our main goal is to have the association take the steps to make this celebration the best it can be. We would like for Quadrivium to grow this year by putting our association more in the spotlight, in regard to music, involvement and recognition, for both the near future and beyond.

    In case of any questions, you can reach us via the emails indicated below.

    Yours faithfully, 

    board of ESMG Quadrivium

    Photos: Levi Baruch

    Jeannette Stekelenburg

    As chair of ESMG Quadrivium, I am responsible for the day-to-day management of the association. By keeping the overview and occasionally directing my fellow board members, I work hard to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. This includes ensuring and regulating policies as well as upholding the aims that already exist. Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding our association!

    Anne Slegers

    As secretary, I am responsible for all kinds of administrative tasks. This means, among other things, that I take the minutes of our meetings, handle emails for the board, send the newsletters and keep the website and calendars up to date. I also keep all membership records and I am the point of contact for new potential members.

    Renske Bok

    As treasurer, I am responsible for the finances of the association. I am in charge of payments and the accountancy of the association, as well as making the financial year report. The KCC (financial auditing committee) checks the accountancy and helps me when I have questions.

    As this board does not have a commissioner Auletes, our wind orchestra Auletes is run by the AuleCie, the orchestra committee, under supervision of the board. For any questions, feel free to reach out to auletes@esmgquadrivium.nl or chair@esmgquadrivium.nl.

    Fieke Vermeulen

    As commissioner Ensuite, I am responsible for the symphony orchestra, Ensuite. I am responsible for organizing three fantastic projects performed by this amazing orchestra. I also make sure that the weekly rehearsals run smoothly and that everyone has a good time.  

    Rachelle Dammer

    As commissioner Vokollage, I am the chair of the mixed choir, Vokollage. I am responsible for organizing three fantastic projects performed by this amazing choir. I also make sure that the weekly rehearsals run smoothly and that everyone has a good time.

    Max Hanssen


    As commissioner piano members, I organize activities for the piano members together with the piano committee. These activities include masterclasses and piano evenings. Besides that I am also responsible for making sure the pianos are in tune as well as the maintenance of the pianos.

    Besides commissioner piano members, I am also the commissioner ensembles. I keep track of the ensembles of quadrivium, allowing them to rehearse, work with coaches and do performances. Together with the ensemble committee I organize concerts for the ensembles as well as other activities to encourage new ensembles to form.

    Inge van Grinsven

    As lustrum commissioner, I am responsible for managing the 12th lustrum of Quadrivium. On the 1st of December 2024, Q will celebrate her 60th anniversary, which will be celebrated during the whole academic year of 2024/2025. Together with the lustrum committee, I will prepare that year, in order to ensure that the amazing lustrum concerts and fun activities will go smoothly!

  • Purchase of Two New Pianos

    Aanschaf van twee nieuwe piano’s

    Recently Quadrivium has purchased two brand new Yamaha B2 pianos in order to replace some older, lower quality pianos. We would like to thank Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven and Studium Generale for subsidizing the purchase of these two pianos. Without their help this wouldn't have been possible. We hope these new pianos will provide our members with a lot of joy in practicing and performing!

  • Lustrum Association Concert

    Lustrum Verenigingsconcert

    During this concert all sub-associations will together give a concert to celebrate the 12th lustrum of ESMG Quadrivium.

    More information will follow later.

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