Great that you're interested in becoming a member of Quadrivium, the student music association! If you already know you want to become a member, fill in this form. If you're not sure yet, please fill in the other form. The yearly contribution fee for a membership is around 72 euros for students and 144 for non-students.
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What are your intentions for filling in this form?
Please fill in the other form if you are interested in Quadrivium and want to receive some more information.
Preferred language
If you’re a student at any school or university, indicate yes.
If applicable
Providing your IBAN bank account number helps our administration for arranging the contribution fee at a later moment. This form does not authorize us to do a bank charge.
If you have a TU/e campus card, fill in the campus card number, which is different from your student number or s-number. We will then make it possible for you to enter the cultural section in Luna using your campus card, during off-hours. During the day however the entrance is usually always open to anyone.
Which sub-associations are you interested in? If you are not interested in the orchestra and choir, select piano member.
Can we use photos and videos containing you for external purposes (website, social media and other promotional activities)?
Can we share photos and videos containing you internally with other members of Quadrivium?