Vokollage Summer Concert

Mixed Choir Vokollage
15 June 2024 20:00
Schootsekerk, Schootsestraat 47, 5616 RB Eindhoven

Student choir Vokollage invites you to come listen to their summer concert on Saturday 15 June at 20:00 in the Schootse church in Eindhoven!

Join them on a choral journey from deep sorrow to pure joy as they perform two gripping works for choir and orchestra, in collaboration with the string ensemble BaroQue. Experience the suffering of a mother grieving her son through Stabat Mater by Josef Rheinberger, followed by the exuberance of Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria, with wonderful solos by Klaartje van Veen and Mariana Pimenta. This promises to be an evening that will transport you to many different atmospheres and feelings, ultimately leaving you bouncing on your seat for joy. 

This is certainly an experience you do not want to miss! Vokollage cannot wait to see you at the concert on the 15th of June!

Students: €7.50

Regular: €13.50